Incident Details






Details Description
146 Carnedd Dafydd, Crib Lem Spur

Duration: 00:35

5 members attended
A solo scrambler called to request assistance when they became lost on the Crib Lem spur and felt they could not continue up or down. The team were readied for deployment and began to gather at base but the walker called back shortly after to say the cloud had lifted and they were now able to continue up the visible path. A short while later they called again to report that they were on the summit of Carnedd Dafydd and required no further help.
145 Tryfan, North Ridge

Duration: 01:15

10 members attended
Three walkers were ascending the North Ridge of Tryfan when they heard shouts for help so called NWP. The team leader spoke with the informant who reported that the shouts were intermittent but they could not yet see anything. The team was placed on standby until the informant called back to report that they had ascended further and could see the source of the shouts, revealing no further assistance was required. The job was closed and the caprine residents of Tryfan continued on with their day.
144 Tryfan, North Ridge

Duration: 05:17

11 members attended
A large group of walkers were ascending Tryfan via the north ridge when one of the group suffered a dislocated knee, they were able to relocate the joint but were in pain and unable to continue so called for assistance. A rope rescue course was running at base with members from OVMRO, Aberdyfi, Aberglaslyn and RAF MRT teams all deployed to the hill. The cas was located, assessed and following analgesia it was determined they could be lowered, with assistance, on their own feet. A multi-pitch TRR lower was rigged to retrieve the walker down steep ground and on to the main descent path back to the road.
143 Swallow Falls

Duration: 01:04

10 members attended
North Wales police called to request assistance with a walker who had become stuck on a rock in the anon llugwy near swallow falls. The fire service water teams from Bangor and Llandudno had also been deployed. Team members arrived on scene but remained on standby until the fire service had retrieved the walker.
142 Fairy Glen

Duration: 03:57

9 members attended
An off duty paramedic came across an injured walker at Fairy Glen near Betws y Coed. They had an isolated ankle injury and were unable to walk so the team deployed from base with additional TM's going directly to the scene. The casualty was assessed and packaged for a stretcher wheel/carry out to the waiting team vehicle. As no ambulances were available the casualty was transported to hospital in the team vehicle.
141 Craig yr Wysfa (Ampitheatre Buttress)

Duration: 01:50

12 members attended
Two climbers were nearing the top of Amphitheatre Buttress climb on Craig yr Wysfa when one of the pair slipped and injured their arm, unable to continue, they called for help. A team assembled at base to deploy with TRR equipment and Rescue 936 tasked due to the remote location and access difficulty. The helicopter was able to winch the casualty directly from the route while their climbing partner joined up with two other nearby climbers to ascend out of the route.
140 Cneifion Dion

Duration: 02:43

11 members attended
Two walkers had ascended the Cwm Padrig path but became disoriented in low cloud and lost the path so called for assistance. The team leader was able to locate them using phone find/sarloc and guide them back to the descent path into Nant Peris. They were monitored remotely until safe at the road.
139 Cwm Idwal, Idwal Slabs (Ordinary Route)

Duration: 03:32

12 members attended
A small group were walking around Llyn Idwal when one of the group decided to start climbing up Idwal slabs, concerned, another followed them. Without any climbing equipment the pair became stuck a significant distance up the slabs so called for help. A hasty party was deployed and located the pair while a further team deployed with additional TRR kit and took the descent route to the top of the slabs. A team of 3 experienced climbers nearby were able to access the stuck pair and assisted them to the 'lunchtime ledge' and began to confidence rope them off. The hill team met the group and continued to assist the pair down to the lake and back to the roadside.
138 Tryfan Bach

Duration: 00:58

12 members attended
A climber called to request assistance after they had fallen approximately 20ft and suffered head and chest injuries. They were self-mobilising back to their vehicle and a small team deployed directly, meeting the cas near to the roadside. They were briefly assessed and advised to seek hospital treatment.
137 Penmaenmawr Quarry

Duration: 04:26

12 members attended
A runner came into difficulty whilst ascending steep ground near the top of Penmaenmawr quarry when they suffered a shoulder injury, in a lot of pain they were unable to continue so called for assistance. Team members accessed the casualty location directly while a team vehicle deployed over the north Wales coastal path with additional equipment. Meanwhile, friends of the runner had arrived with a rope to try and assist. The casualty was located, assessed and provided analgesia before being lowered to safe ground and walked up to the team vehicle which had been provided access to the quarry track. They were then transported to hospital.
136 Miners Bridge, Betws Y Coed

Duration: 02:25

12 members attended
Two walkers came across an individual who had slipped and injured their leg on wet rocks near the miner's bridge in Betws y Coed. They initially called for an ambulance and WAST notified NWP due to the location and the team were tasked. A hasty party were deployed to locate and assess the cas with a further team deploying from base with stretcher equipment. The cas was assessed and the limb splinted, they were then packaged for a short stretcher carry to the roadside where an ambulance was now waiting.
135 Tryfan, North Tower

Duration: 04:38

13 members attended
Two walkers became stuck while trying to bypass the North Tower on the north ridge of Tryfan. Unable to continue on and uncertain of the route in low cloud they called for assistance. A small hill party were deployed to locate the pair and found them on steep ground but were able to confidence-rope them back to the main path, down which they walked to the A5.
134 Moel Siabod

Duration: 03:50

12 members attended
A large group of walkers were on Moel Siabod when one of the group slipped and injured their ankle. In pain and unable to easily continue they called for assistance but continued to mobilise. A small party was deployed to assess and found that the casualty was unable to move quickly and in a lot of pain so a stretcher team was deployed. The casualty was packaged for a stretcher carry/wheel off the hill and then handed back to their group vehicle to self-present at hospital once home.
133 Glyderau, Cwm Ffynnon

Duration: 02:50

5 members attended
Two walkers had ascended Glyder Fawr from Ogwen Cottage and were looking for a route down, they were advised of a route down towards Pen y Pass by a passerby but became stuck on very steep ground in the back of Cwm Ffynnon with no torches and darkness falling so called for help. Initially the job was passed to LLMRT but as they had another job ongoing a small hill party deployed from Ogwen base while Rescue 936 was tasked. The helicopter was able to extract the walkers and dropped them at Peris Base LZ where they were picked up and transported back to their vehicle in Ogwen valley.
132 Tryfan, Milestone Buttress area

Duration: 02:35

8 members attended
A party of three were descending the north ridge of Tryfan but lost the main path and became stuck in steep ground in the waterfall gulley - milestone buttress area. A small hill party which had been deployed to the previous job were redirected to assist the walkers. The three were located and guided back on to the main descent path and back to the roadside.
131 Tryfan, Heather Terrace

Duration: 02:40

8 members attended
A runner on a mountain race slipped while traversing tether terrace on Tryfan and injured their shoulder. A race marshall on scene identified it as a probable dislocated shoulder so called for assistance. Due to the severity of the injury Rescue 936 was tasked, the winchman was lowered close to the casualty and after assessing they were able to extract them without further involvement from OVMRO.
130 Penmaenmawr cycle path

Duration: 02:49

15 members attended
Two cyclists were involved in a head-on collision on the coastal cycle path near Penmaenmawr, both sustained injuries with WAST and Helimed on scene. The team were requested to assist with a stretcher carry out of one of the casualties. The cas was packaged into one of the team's stretchers and wheeled approximately 1km to the waiting ambulance.
129 Foel Lus

Duration: 01:01

2 members attended
Two individuals called for assistance as they were in their car but unable to drive down a lane due to very thick fog. This was passed back to NWP to resolve and no further action was taken by the team.
128 Crimpiau

Duration: 02:01

5 members attended
A solo walker became lost and anxious in low cloud and mist so called for assistance. Their location was identified using what3words and the team leader was able to guide them off without the need to deploy any team members to the hill.
127 Moel Siabod

Duration: 04:06

8 members attended
Two walkers were descending Moel Siabod when one slipped and injured their ankle, unable to continue they called for help. A hasty party were deployed to make initial assessments while further team members followed with additional equipment. The casualty was assessed and the limb splinted for a stretcher carry/wheel off the hill to be handed over to their own vehicle to self-present at hospital.
126 Tryfan, East Face (Notch Arete)

Duration: 04:22

9 members attended
A walker came across a climber who had fallen to the base of Notch Crete on the east face on Tryfan. A hill team were deployed and Rescue936 tasked, the helicopter was able to lift a further 4 team members up to the cas location to assist the winch paramedics. The casualty was assessed and packaged into a stretcher to be lifted into the helicopter and flown directly to hospital. The initial hasty party were returned to base to redeploy to another job.
125 Glyder Fach, Main face (Dolmon Ridge)

Duration: 03:26

10 members attended
A walker came across a fallen climber at the base of Dolmon Ridge on Glyder Fach main face. The coastguard helicopter R936 was tasked and lifted a hill team of 4 to the cas location with the winch paramedic. The casualty was assessed and packaged into a stretcher for winching into the helicopter before flying directly to hospital. The casualty's climbing partner was then assisted back to the roadside by the hill team.
124 Llyn Ogwen, Pen Yr Ole Wen

Duration: 02:18

16 members attended
A D of E group were walking around Llyn Ogwen when one of the party slipped and injured their knee. The support staff were called and requested assistance moving the participant. A team was deployed to help and the casualty was assessed and the limb splinted for a short stretcher carry/wheel around the lake and to the roadside where they were transferred to a group vehicle.
123 Tryfan, Western Gully

Duration: 02:01

2 people
11 members attended
A party of two were scrambling on Tryfan but became separated in bad weather. With no head torch or navigation aid they a=called for assistance. The team leader was able to make phone contact with them and located them in the western gulley area. They were then guided down by phone to the road. No team members were deployed to the hill.
122 Tryfan

Duration: 04:01

8 members attended
Two walkers were ascending Tryfan but one of the pair lost their rucksack over an edge on the ascent. As they descended one of the pair decided to look for the missing pack but became crag fast in steep ground so called for assistance. Team members were already on the hill responding to job Q127700 so one TM was redirected to investigate the stuck walker. They were able to scramble into the walker's location and then assist them on to safe ground before descending the main path back to the road. The other walker was also located lower down and the pair reunited.
121 Tryfan, Millestone Buttress

Duration: 02:51

5 members attended
A solo walker was descending the north ridge of Tryfan but became stuck when they lost the main path, having strayed into steep ground they were unable to continue on so called for assistance. They were located using Phonefind/Sarloc in the area above Milestone Buttress. A small hill party were deployed to locate the walker and were able to assist them back to the main path and back down to the road.
120 Pen Yr Ole Wen

Duration: 00:56

1 member attended
An informant called to report two lights high on Pen yr Ole Wen, they were concerned that walkers may be in trouble. The team leader spoke with the informant and established that the lights were moving on a known route/. NO other reports were Mae and so the job was closed with no further involvement,
119 Tryfan, Milestone Buttress (Wrinkle Slab Area)

Duration: 01:36

17 members attended
Two walkers were descending the north ridge of Tryfan when they became lost and stuck on steep ground. A small hill party was initially deployed to locate the pair with further TMs deployed with TRR kit and others at the road to help spot. The first hill team were able to locate the pair and access their location from above before extracting them with single line working up to safe ground and out on the climber's path above milestone buttress to the main north ridge descent path.
118 A5, Silver Fountain area

Duration: 00:57

7 members attended
The team received a request from North Wales Police to assist with a pedestrian who had fallen approximately 50ft over a wall off the A5, suffering significant back and leg injuries, they were on steep terrain and could not move. WAST and the fire service were in attendance. A team was gathering at base to deploy with TRR equipment when they were stood down as the rescue services had managed to recover the casualty to the road.
117 Crimpiau

Duration: 03:50

14 members attended
Two walkers became lost in the Crimpiau area and called for help. A small hill party was initially deployed to locate the pair and help them down but, once met, it was determined that they were very tired and progress was slow so a stretcher party was deployed to assist. The group were met by a stretcher team and one of the pair packaged and lowered down steep terrain and onto an easier track in the stretcher before wheeling out to the team vehicle.
116 Aber Falls

Duration: 02:29

22 members attended
An informant called to report a walker who had slipped in the Aber Falls area and suffered an ankle injury and was unable to be moved. A team was deployed directly from base with stretcher and cas care equipment. There casualty was located and assessed, the ankle splinted and they were loaded into a stretcher for a short stretcher wheel-out to the team vehicle and driven down to the car park where they were transferred to their own vehicle to self-present at hospital.
115 Glyder fach, bristley screes

Duration: 02:35

22 members attended
A call was received reporting a walker experiencing a seizure while on bristly screes on glyder fach. The helicopter was tasked and team members at base deployed as a hasty party with medical kit, team members already on the hill also went direct to the cas location and were able to guide the winch paramedic onto scene. The casualty was assessed and by this point was able to walk. They were assisted the short distance up to the top of the screes and into the waiting helicopter to be flown to base and then on to hospital.
114 Glyder fach

Duration: 01:53

23 members attended
An informant called to say they had seen another walker take a fall on the east side of Glyder Fach, it was not possible to make contact directly with the informant for further details so this was treated initially as a separate incident. A hill team were deployed to investigate this and Q119783 as they were reportedly in the same area. As the second incident was being resolved TMs scanned the area and spoke with walkers on the hill who reported that one of their party had stumbled while assisting with the first job but were not injured. As no further reports were made and nothing found this was resolved to be concern for those involved with Q119783.
113 Devil's Kitchen

Duration: 00:21

1 member attended
An informant called to report a ewe stuck on the cliffs of the devil's kitchen. The team leader spoke with the informant and the situation will be monitored appropriately over the coming days.
112 Llyn Idwal, Devil's Kitchen

Duration: 01:14

1 member attended
A walker was walking around Llyn Idwal when they heard loud and clear shouts from the near the base of Idwal slabs. The team leader spoke with the informant who was concerned that someone may be in trouble. Other walkers had heard the same shouts but no further reports were made and no clear response to the informant was achieved. The informant continued on their walk but and it was not possible to contact them again thereafter. No further reports were made so no action taken.
111 Glyder Fach

Duration: 01:38

10 members attended
A party of 3 were walking on Glyder Fach when one suffered an ankle injury and was unable to continue. The coastguard helicopter R936 was tasked and deployed while team members gathered at base if required. The helicopter was able to locate and extract the casualty directly with no OVMRO team deployment onto the hill.
110 Conwy Mountain

Duration: 00:58

2 members attended
Concerned member of the public heard shouts for help in Conwy Mountain area. The team did not deploy and after a discussion with NWP we decided to stand down unles further reports are recieved.
109 Glyder Fach

Duration: 07:26

18 members attended
Two walkers called for help when they became lost in cloud while descending Glyder Fach on the miners path. The team leader spoke with them and was able to help guide them towards Cwm Tryfan but in the falling light they missed the track and continued on to Llyn Caseg Fraith so a small hill team were deployed to assist. The hill party met with the pair but during the descent, due to tiredness on of the pair slipped and hurt their ribs and were unable to continue walking. An additional hill party was requested and deployed with stretcher equipment and the casualty packaged for a stretcher carry/wheel down to the roadside to self-report at hospital.
108 Moel Siabod, Llyn y Foel

Duration: 04:12

14 members attended
A party of two were walking the Moel Siabod circuit when one of the pair slipped and injured their ankle on the south side, close to LLyn y Foel. Due to poor comms it was not immediately possible to identify their location so an initial party of 5 were deployed to locate the cas party and assess. Once found, Rescue 936 was requested and tasked but was redirected to another incident so further hill teams were deployed to assist with the stretcher carry/wheel out. The cas was transferred to a team vehicle and driven down to Capel Curig to take their own vehicle to self-present at hospital.
107 Penmaenmawr, Foel Lus (Jubilee walk)

Duration: 02:08

10 members attended
Two walkers were on the jubilee path around Foel Lus when one felt faint and fell off the path and onto steep ground. Slightly injured, they were unable to make their own way to the path so called for assistance. Team members deployed directly and met the walkers, they were able to assist the walker back up to the path and back to their vehicle by the road.
106 Rhos on Sea, Bryn Euryn park

Duration: 01:33

1 member attended
A walker called requesting help as they were lost in woods in Bryn Euryn park, Rhos on Sea. The team leader leased with NWP and logs followed before the walker called back to say they were safe, no further action was taken.
105 Craig yr Wysfa, Amphitheatre Buttress

Duration: 00:15

1 member attended
Call from climbers on on Craig yr Wysfa to report a ewe that appeared to be stuck on Mur y nwil wall. A team member investigated later in the week and no further action was required.
104 Tal y Fan, summit area

Duration: 02:39

20 members attended
An informant called to say that their partner had slipped near the summit of Tal y Fan, injuring their ankle and unable to continue on. A local team member deployed directly to investigate while a vehicle deployed from base with a further team and equipment. Rescue 936 was also tasked as they were unable to winch from the Miners Bridge job. The winch paramedic was dropped on scene and carried out assessment before winching the casualty who was then flown on to hospital.
103 Bristly Ridge

Duration: 00:57

20 members attended
Two walkers were scrambling up Bristly Ridge when one of the pair slipped and fell, they were uninjured but unable to climb out of their position. A small hill party was deployed but there was limited information as to the pair's exact whereabouts. Rescue 936 was tasked to investigate but was called away to assist on the Miners Bridge job. The walkers later called back to say that they had been able to extract themselves and were now able to continue off without further assistance so the team members returned to redeploy on the other ongoing jobs.
102 Miners Bridge

Duration: 02:15

20 members attended
A walker who had been jumping into the pool near to the Miners Bridge sustained hip injuries when they fell onto rocks and were unable to walk off. With other jobs ongoing one team member deployed directly from base with medical kit to meet a team paramedic on scene, another team vehicle followed with additional kit. The cas was extracted from the riverside and placed in a stretcher with a guiding line to cross the water before being carried through the forest to a waiting ambulance.
101 Tryfan, East Face (1st Pinnacle Rib route)

Duration: 05:31

9 members attended
Two climbers were on 1st Pinnacle Rib route when the leader took a 20ft fall sustaining some cuts and bruises. They tried to escape off the route but became stuck in more precarious ground so called for assistance. A hill team was deployed with tech rope rescue kit and set up a belayed traverse line to access the pair. They were extracted the climbers to the eastern traverse track and then down the north ridge route back to the road.
100 Tryfan, summit area

Duration: 02:13

8 members attended
WAST received a call from an informant that a walker had fallen and sustained an ankle injury on summit of Tryfan and was unable to continue. WAST then contacted NWP who tasked OVMRO. The team were called out and R936 requested. The helicopter flew into the cas location to assess while troops were gathered at base to assist if required. R936 was able to lower two winchies to scene, the casualty was assessed and the ankle splinted before the cas was lifted and flown direct to hospital. The informants and casualty's friend made their own way down to the road.
99 Ogwen Valley

Duration: 00:41

1 member attended
An informant called to say that they could see lights near Glyder Fawr and were concerned for others. As there was no pattern or further reports made no further action was taken.
98 Carnedd Llewelyn

Duration: 05:50

7 members attended
A party of 4 were attempting the Welsh 3000's. Once on Carnedd Llewelyn the weather deteriorated and they became disoriented. With one member very fatigued and the group unable to navigate in the conditions, they called for help. Five team members walked up to them with hot drinks, food and warm clothes and the party was then walked off the hill.
97 Tryfan, North Ridge

Duration: 03:17

21 members attended
A party of two were walking on the north ridge of Tryfan but after losing site of other walkers whom they were following, one of the pair began to have a panic attack and was unable to continue. The team leader attempted to reassure and encourage them to continue over the phone but a small hill party was deployed to assist. They located the pair and helped them off the hill.
96 Gwydyr Forest

Duration: 02:09

9 members attended
A solo walker called for assistance when they became disoriented and lost in the Gwydyr forest. They were located using phone find/Sarloc and a small team deployed directly from base to drive close to their location. once located they were driven down to betws y coed.
95 Tryfan, Milestone Buttreess

Duration: 03:39

6 members attended
A party of four became stuck in the waterfall gulley area on the north ridge of Tryfan. A team member already on the hill diverted directly to their location while further team members deployed from base with RAFMRT carrying full tech rescue equipment. The four were located and assisted back to the main path and then on down to the road.
94 Abergwyngreygyn, Cae'r Mynydd

Duration: 05:02

5 members attended
Two walkers were on the footpath above Abergwyngregyn when one slipped and injured their ankle. Unable to continue they called for assistance having met a local farmer who confirmed their location. A small hill party deployed from base and met another TM in the village. They were able to drive to the casualty's location, assessed and packaged the leg and helped the casualty into the team vehicle to drive down to the road and on to their vehicle to self-present at hospital as no ambulance was available.
93 Bristly Ridge

Duration: 05:23

9 members attended
A party of two were ascending bristly ridge but became stuck on steep ground when they lost the main ridge route, unable to continue up or down they called for help. A hasty party was deployed to locate the pair and an additional party followed with full tech rescue equipment. The scramblers were located and confidence-roped back on to the main ridge path. They were then guided one, returning via Cwm Tryfan, the additional hill team having been stood down once all were safely off the ridge.
92 Gwydir Forest, LLidiart y Gwynt

Duration: 02:33

11 members attended
Two walkers were in the Gwydir forest area when one of the pair slipped and injured their ankle. Unable to continue they called for help and a team was deployed and able to drive very close to the cas location. The ankle was assessed and the casualty packaged for a short stretcher lift to the team vehicle before being transported down to their own vehicle to self-present at hospital.
91 Bwlch Tryfan

Duration: 02:50

10 members attended
A party of 2 were scrambling Tryfan and had just reached Bwlch Tryfan when one of the pair felt ill, collapsed and became unconscious for a period of time. Rescue 936 was requested and deployed the winchman and 1 other before returning to base to lift 2 team members close to the incident site. A short time later the casualty was winched to the aircraft and flown to Oggi Base for further assessment. Team members on the hill assisted the remaining walker back to Oggi base
90 Gwydir Forest, Llyn y Parc

Duration: 05:45

11 members attended
A walker was descending a path above Betws y Coed when they slipped and fell, landing on their bottom. Experiencing tingling in their hands and feet and unable to walk they called for assistance. Team members deployed to the site and assessed the casualty before packaging them for a short stretcher carry to a team vehicle. They were driven down to the road to meet an ambulance but due to a significant wait time it was decided to transport the casualty directly to hospital.
89 Carneddau, Drum

Duration: 00:13

1 member attended
A walker called to say that a pony had its head stuck in a fence and was unable to get free. This was passed to a partner agency to resolve but the walker called back shortly after to say the pony had freed itself.
88 Glyderau, Bochlwyd

Duration: 01:56

4 members attended
A walker came across an injured lamb with a broken leg. This was passed to the National Trust who own and manage the land with no further OVMRO involvement.
87 Tryfan

Duration: 00:16

1 member attended
A camper at Garth campsite reported concern for two individuals on Tryfan as they could see lights which appeared to have not moved for some time. After speaking with the team leader the job was closed as the lights had moved on and no further reports were made. No OVMRO deployment was required.
86 Tryfan, Milestone Buttress

Duration: 02:59

10 members attended
Two walkers were on the north ridge of Tryfan when one fell a short distance and injured their leg with pain to the hip. Unable to continue they called for help. A hasty party were deployed to assess the casualty and further troops deployed with stretcher equipment. The casualty was packaged for a stretcher lower and carry to the roadside where they were transferred to their own vehicle to self-present at hospital.
85 Y Garn

Duration: 01:10

10 members attended
Two walkers had ascended Y Garn but on reaching the summit one of the pair was uncomfortable with descending the steep NE Ridge so they separated to go their own ways. Later once the other walker had waited for some time at Ogwen Cottage they called for assistance as the other walker was now overdue and they couldn't contact them. Due to the good clear weather the team leader advised they allow some more time and perhaps drive down the old A5 to look for the other walker. About 30mins later the informant called back to say the overdue walker was found and so no deployment was required.
84 Glyder Fach, Main Gulley

Duration: 05:54

21 members attended
Two scramblers were ascending Main Gulley on Glyder Fach main face when one of the pair fell. Their climbing partner was able to descend to their location and immediately called for assistance. Rescue 936 was tasked to investigate and the winchman paramedic was dropped on scene to assess, sadly the climber had not survived the fall. A team member already in the area diverted to assist and helped the informant off the hill and down to base while two hill parties were lifted from base. The site was assessed and the casualty was packaged into a stretcher to be lowered down the steep terrain. They were carried out to a suitable location in the cwm where the helicopter was able to land on to retrieve them down to base. The thoughts of the team are with the casualty's friends and family at this difficult time.
83 Tryfan, North Ridge (North Tower)

Duration: 03:36

9 members attended
Two walkers were ascending the north ridge of Tryfan with their dog but once encountering the steep terrain of the north tower decided they could go no further, attempting to return down they became stuck in the area of Nor Nor Gulley. After calling for assistance and speaking with the team leader they were advised on the best route down, however, after attempting to do so a small hill party was deployed to locate the pair. The walkers were located with their dog and assisted down the main descent path and back to the road.
82 Afon Ddu

Duration: 04:52

18 members attended
An informant leading a group of young people in the Afon Ddu gorge walking called to request assistance with one of the group who had slipped, hurting their knee and was unable to continue out of the gorge. Local team members collected kit from the Conwy kit store while further troops deployed from base. The first team located and began to assess the casualty while the second team began rigging for a technical rope rescue out of the gorge. The casualty was packaged into a stretcher and raised up the side of the gorge and out to the track where the wheel was attached for transport down to the road.
81 Bochlwyd outflow

Duration: 03:22

14 members attended
Helimed were tasked to a walker who had fallen and injured their ankle in the area of the bochlwyd outflow, they had been able to land-on and treat the casualty but required assistance moving them to the helicopter. An initial cas party were deployed immediately from base with and an additional hill party followed on with stretcher equipment and ropes. They met with the helmet paramedic and casualty who was packaged and stretchered to the helicopter for transport to hospital.
80 Tryfan, East Ridge (South Buttress area)

Duration: 06:05

12 members attended
A walker called requesting help after they had seen a friend fall down the south ridge of Tryfan. They were unable to get to, or make contact with, the fallen walker. Due to the nature of the call Rescue 936 was immediately tasked and RAF Lossiemouth, training in the area, were also requested. The helicopter was able to locate the fallen walker and dropped the winchman paramedic a short distance away, they made an assessment of the casualty who sadly, had not survived the fall so called for further assistance. An initial hill party were lifted to assess the scene and help the winchman move the casualty into a stretcher. Additional team members were lifted with Lossiemouth RAFMRT to assist with the stretcher lower and carry-out to a suitable location in Cwm Tryfan where the helicopter was able to land-on to receive the casualty and fly them down to base. The thoughts of the team are with the walker's friends and family at this difficult time.
79 Afon Ddu gorge

Duration: 04:00

12 members attended
A young person in an organised group slipped when starting up the first steep section of the Afon Ddu gorge and sustained an injured knee that was very painful. The guides requested assistance from the team to assist with extracting the individual back to the roadside. Multiple team members deployed either directly or from base and the casualty was assessed and packaged for a stretcher extraction. A short but technical journey out of the gorge back down to the car park was undertaken where they were then taken by staff members to hospital.
78 Betws Y Coed, Fairy Glen

Duration: 04:08

16 members attended
A family group were visiting the fairy glen beauty spot when one of the party slipped and fell approximately 7m down a bank onto rocks by the river. Sustaining painful injuries and unable to move they called for an ambulance. WAST attended and began assessment and treatment but requested help with extraction. Team members deployed with stretcher and TRR equipment. The cas was packaged into a vacuum mattress and loaded onto the stretcher to be extracted up the steep path and wheeled to the waiting ambulance.
77 Tryfan, East Face

Duration: 01:39

2 members attended
Experienced climbers in the valley reported concern regarding two lights that could be seen approximately a pitch apart on a climb on the east face of Tryfan, they had not moved for some time. A team member went to investigate by which point the lights had joined and were seen moving on towards the summit. No deployment was required.
76 Pen yr Ole Wen, South Ridge

Duration: 04:19

7 members attended
A party of two had set out to walk up the south ridge of Pen yr Ole Wen, they became lost in cloud and in broken ground with no path so called for assistance. A small hill party were deployed and located the pair, assisting them back down to the main path and on to the road.
75 Tryfan, West Face (Wrinkled slab)

Duration: 05:33

10 members attended
Four walkers became stuck on the west face of Tryfan in the wrinkled slabs area, two were unable to continue walking and one was experiencing an asthma attack. Multiple calls were made reporting the lights seen on the west face and so a team was deployed from base with TRR and cas care equipment. The four were located, assessed and rewarmed before being assisted back onto easier terrain on the north ridge. They were then walked down the main path and back to the road.
74 Tryfan, West Face (Wrinkled slab)

Duration: 00:29

10 members attended
Multiple reports of lights were made in relation to job Q076556.
73 Cwm Idwal, Devil's Kitchen

Duration: 00:37

17 members attended
Two walkers were reported overdue back to the YHA at Idwal cottage. An initial attempt at phonefind was unsuccessful in locating the pair but after a short period communication was made with the walkers who declared they were safe and well on the final descent to Llyn Idwal. No deployment was required.
72 Tryfan, North Ridge (Waterfall Gulley)

Duration: 02:55

17 members attended
Two walkers were descending Tryfan and became stuck in the waterfall gulley area on descent (additional to job Q075407), one was suffering with a minor soft-tissue injury. A hill party were deployed and assessed the injured party who, it was determined, could continue slowly on. The pair were confidence-roped to easier terrain and back down the main descent path.
71 Tryfan, North Ridge (Waterfall Gulley)

Duration: 02:48

17 members attended
Two walkers were descending the north ridge of Tryfan when they became stuck in the steep ground of the waterfall gulley area. A small team were deployed to locate that pair and were able to confidence-rope them back to easier ground and then guided them down the main descent footpath and back to the road.
70 Tryfan, North Ridge

Duration: 00:34

1 member attended
An informant called with concern for others as they had seen flashing lights in the area of the North Ridge of Tryfan. The team leader spoke with the informant and due to the pattern of the lights and the fact that no further calls for help or reports were made the job was closed with no deployment.
69 Bryn Euryn Hall

Duration: 02:21

11 members attended
WAST called for assistance with extracting a walker who had slipped and injured their leg on Bryn Euryn near Rhos-on-Sea. A local team deployed from the Conwy kit store with stretcher equipment and met with the WAST team and casualty. The casualty had been assessed and the limb stabilised so they were loaded into a stretcher and wheeled down to the waiting ambulance.
68 Dulyn Reservoir

Duration: 01:38

10 members attended
An informant called with concern for their friend who was experiencing a medical event while wild camping. Due to the severity of the condition Rescue 936 was tasked and the team deployed directly to investigate and potentially assist the helicopter. Fortunately R936 was able to access the casualty's location and lift them directly to hospital.
67 Sychnant Pass, Craigyfedwen

Duration: 03:06

23 members attended
Three mountain biker's were descending towards Sychnant pass when one caught their foot and badly injured their ankle. Team members finishing training deployed directly from base with cas care and stretcher equipment. The casualty was located and the ankle assessed. Due to the nature of the dislocation the ankle was reduced with analgesia and the limb packaged. The biker was then transported down the track and passed to a friend's vehicle to self-present at hospital.
66 Tryfan, North Ridge (North Tower)

Duration: 04:02

8 members attended
A party of four walkers had ascended Tryfan but became stuck on the steep ground while descending the North Tower. A small hill party was deployed to assist and once further communications were established it appeared that only on of the party was stuck and two others had continued down safely on their own. The two remaining walkers were located by the hill team and short-roped down the steep section to then walk back down to the roadside.
65 Crimpiau

Duration: 01:10

11 members attended
Three walkers became lost on steep ground on Crimpiau, unable to continue on they called for help. The team leader was able to locate them using Phonefind/Sarloc and advise them on the best descent from their location. They were met by team members a short distance from the road and assisted back to their vehicle.
64 Pen Yr Ole Wen

Duration: 08:00

14 members attended
As part of an ongoing search for a missing person in the Carneddau area, the Coastguard helicopter Rescue936 reported a sighting on the south side of Pen yr Ole Wen. Team members carried out a foot search and found the body of a man and recovered him from the mountain.
63 Llyn Caseg fraith

Duration: 00:20

3 members attended
A walker was in the area of Llyn Caseg faith when they heard shouts for help. The walker called back but there was no reply. They called North Wales Police with concern that someone was in trouble. The team leader spoke with the informant but with no further shouts heard and no other reports made it was determined this was likely to be goats. No further action was taken and OVMRO deployment was required.
62 Rhiw Bach, Penmachno

Duration: 00:52

2 members attended
A mine explorer slipped on the descent from Rhiw Bach mine and injured their ankle. Due to an ongoing serious incident this job was passed over to SSSART. Fortunately the casualty was extracted a short distance to a vehicle shortly afterwards. No OVMRO deployment was required.
61 Tryfan, West Face (Y-Gulley)

Duration: 07:13

23 members attended
A group of three walkers had ascended the North Ridge of Tryfan. While descending in the Y-Gulley area one of the party slipped and tumbled down the gully some distance, sustaining significant injuries. The other two walkers were unable to descend so called 999 and asked for assistance. Several hill parties were dispatched and R936 was tasked to help with the search. The walkers were located and were able to help direct team members to the location of the casualty, sadly, he had not survived his injuries. The casualty was evacuated by stretcher and the two walkers were roped to safe ground and then walked down to the road. The thoughts of the team are with the family of the casualty at this difficult time.
60 Tryfan Bach

Duration: 00:04

1 member attended
An informant called to report flashing lights and shouts heard in the area of Tryfan Bach. The informant called back shortly after to close the call stating that it was just children playing around. No deployment was required.
59 Crimpiau

Duration: 04:29

15 members attended
A group of walkers were descending Crimpiau when one of the party slipped and injured their ankle, unable to continue on they called for help. One team member deployed directly to assess while further TMs were deployed with additional cas care equipment and stretcher. The casualty was loaded into a stretcher and carried/wheeled down to the road to their own vehicle for self-presentation at hospital.
58 Conwy Mountain

Duration: 01:29

14 members attended
A family group were walking on Conwy Mountain when an elder member of the group fell over. They sustained a minor hand injury but also felt dizzy and unwell with indications of concern for a possible medical event. Team members were able to drive direct to the casualty location and assess the walker. They were then transported down to the road and their own vehicle to self-present at hospital for a full review.
57 Carnedd Llewelyn, Penywaun-wen

Duration: 04:07

8 members attended
A group completing the Welsh 3000s were between Carnedd Llewelyn and Foel Grach when they saw a walker on the Penywaun Wen ridge flashing a light, blowing a whistle and shouting a name. The person descended this east ridge but at no point did they shout for help or assistance. Concerned for the walker they rang NWP. The team leader attempted to ring the informant but were unable to make any communication for further details. A decision was made to send a small party to investigate. A party of 3 TMs ascended to Ffynnon Llugwy reservoir and up onto ridge. They ascended the east ridge onto the summit of Llewelyn but had seen no one on their ascent, nor seen a flashing light or heard a whistle. At this point it was decided to descend back to Oggi Base. NWP confirmed that there were no further calls for assistance in the Ogwen area.
56 Llanystumdwy, Criccieth

Duration: 09:30

1 person

Two Search Managers were requested to assist NWMRA/AMRT with an ongoing search. Multiple teams were deployed to search planned areas and in the early afternoon a member of the public found the missing person, Team members were deployed to assess and provide casualty care. The individual was then transferred to hospital for treatment of minor injuries.
55 Penmaen-bach, Conwy Mountain

Duration: 01:52

2 people
7 members attended
A young couple called for help when they became lost and benighted in the penmaenbach area near Conwy mountain. They had arrived by train earlier in the day and began walking, but without any route plan or knowledge of the area became lost among the many tracks as night fell. They were located by Phonefind/Sarloc and guided towards the primary track where they were met by a small local hill party who had deployed directly. They were otherwise well and so assisted back to the road to be picked up by a family member.
54 Cwm Idwal, Devil's Kitchen

Duration: 01:45

12 members attended
A party of four from a walking group were descending the Devil's Kitchen path when one slipped and gashed their head, resulting in a lot of blood. A party deployed immediately from base while the group began to make their own way off with assistance from passers-by. The team members met with the group and provided cas-care before accompanying them for the rest of the descent. The injured walker was then advised to self-present at hospital.
53 Capelulo, Maen Esgob

Duration: 03:15

14 members attended
A family group were walking above Capelulo when one of the children had a seizure, unable to continue onwards and with no history of seizures a hill party was quickly deployed to assist. The group were located using Phonefind/Sarloc and met by a hasty party which had been joined by a WAST paramedic, the ambulance unable to drive to the cas location. The child was assessed and a team vehicle with extra cas care kit was able to drive direct to the location and extract the casualty down to the waiting ambulance.
52 Cwm Idwal, Devil's Kitchen

Duration: 01:56

6 members attended
An informant called to request help for their friend who was injured when a large rock rolled over their foot. Rescue 936 was deployed and flew to the cas location but discovered the walkers had decided to start moving down by themselves. The winchmen began walking down the path and located the casualty party much lower. They splinted the ankle and the casualty continued on their way off the hill.
51 Cwm Lloer

Duration: 05:13

8 members attended
North Wales Police requested assistance with their drone on an ongoing search for a missing person in the Carneddau area. A number of team members were deployed on planned search operations.
50 Tryfan, West Face (Y Gulley)

Duration: 05:40

11 members attended
A group of five walkers were descending Tryfan via the west face but became stuck, off-route, in Y Gulley. One of the party was able to make it down to the A5 and called for assistance for their friends. Two hill teams were deployed, the first with limited tech rescue kit, were able to scramble in to the walkers' location and set up a protected line to help them out of the steep terrain. A second hill party had followed with further equipment to rig a hand line to protect the traverse back to good ground and the descent path in Bragg gulley.
49 Tryfan, Milestone Buttress area

Duration: 00:57

10 members attended
A party of four had walked Tryfan but became separated on the way down, one of the party was still overdue so the rest of the group called for assistance. A team member drove along to begin an initial check of the road and carparks and found the walker and informant shortly after. No further deployment was required.
48 Moel Siabod, Llyn Y Foel

Duration: 04:35

12 members attended
Two walkers were on the way up Moel Siabod, intending to climb via Daear Ddu ridge, when one of the pair slipped and injured their ankle. An initial hill party deployed with full cas care and stretcher equipment with a follow up team in support. The casualty was assessed and packaged for a stretcher wheel/carry down towards Capel Curig and the waiting team vehicles. The pair were transported to their guest house in the village with the intention to self-present at hospital.
47 Yr Wyddfa - Miner's Track above Llyn Glaslyn

Duration: 02:51

1 person
12 members attended
OVMRO requested to assist Llanberis MRT with an evacuation on a wheeled stretcher of a walker with a suspected broken leg on the Miner's path on Snowdon as LLMRT were responding to two other incidents at the time. A hill party were deployed to meet with LLMRT members at Pen y Pass to drive up the Miner's path. The joint team met with LLMRT who were already extracting the casualty and assisted with the end of the stretch carry before driving back to base.
46 Tryfan, West Face (Wrinkled Slab)

Duration: 03:11

10 members attended
An informant called to say that their partner was stuck on a ledge in the wrinkled slab area and was unable to get down - the informant had been lowered to get phone signal to call for help. A hasty party was deployed with lead climbing equipment and were able to climb up to the climber's location. The climber was then able to down-climb on a confidence rope to safe ground and then walked back to the roadside.
45 Cwm Llafar

Duration: 03:44

11 members attended
A walker called to report that their brother had fallen some distance into a waterfall in Cwm Llafar, he was now out of the water but lying unconscious with head injuries. A local hasty party deployed directly and a further two hill teams dispatched with further equipment from base while Rescue 936 was also tasked. The helicopter located the casualty and managed to land on approximately 200m from them. The initial hasty party assisted the winchman to assess and move the casualty onto a stretcher but it was evident that he had not survived his injuries. The casualty, brother and hill team were lifted back to base by R936. The thoughts of the team are with the family and friends of the walker at this difficult time.
44 Tryfan, Milestone Buttress

Duration: 04:07

10 members attended
A solo walker was descending the north ridge of Tryfan but lost the main path and descended on to steep ground above milestone buttress. Unable to continue on or back they called for assistance. A hasty party was deployed to locate the walker and a further team deployed to the road with TRR kit if required and to spot the hill party on to the walker's location. The hill team were able to access the walker directly and help them back down the climbers' descent path to the main track and the road.
43 Cwm Tryfan

Duration: 01:35

14 members attended
A solo walker called to request assistance as they were lost in low cloud and concerned about getting down with night drawing. They were known to be in the area of Bwlch y Ddwy Glyder but an exact location via phone was not possible and further communication difficult so multiple hill teams were deployed on the usual descent routes. The walker was located by a team low in the area of Cwm Tryfan and guided down to the road.
42 Y Garn

Duration: 03:28

5 members attended
A walker called to report what appeared to be an individual lying in a bivvy bag on a crag below them - due to the steep ground they were unable to reach them so called for assistance. A small hill party comprising RAFMRT and OVMRO deployed to investigate and Rescue936 was also tasked. The helicopter overflew the site and located an old, uninhabited bivvy bag and no signs of a person. The hill party continued on to the location and retrieved the bag.
41 Aber Falls

Duration: 04:45

10 members attended
A dog owner called seeking help to rescue their dog from a ravine at Aber falls. Local team members deployed directly with further troops taking technical rescue equipment from base. The owner and dog were located in very steep ground and assisted back up to the path before being helped back down to the main track.
40 Moel Siabod

Duration: 02:10

20 members attended
Two walkers called for assistance when they lost the path on Moel Siabod and could not continue up or down. They were located using Phonefind/Sarloc and guided by the team leader towards the descent path. Meanwhile a small hill party deployed in a vehicle to drive towards the pair to provide support. The walkers were met by the hill party just below the quarry and guided to the waiting vehicle to be driven back to the road.
39 Tal y Fan, Ty Uchaf near Rowen

Duration: 01:59

1 person
15 members attended
A solo walker became disoriented and lost while descending from Tal y Fan as darkness fell and weather became very wet. The individual was reported lost by family members via Dorset police and after some time it was possible to gain phone communication with them but they were unable to use Phonefind to assist with location so team members were deployed to begin searching. From the walker's described position the Team Leader was able to guide them downhill where they eventually found a gravel track, after walking further they were found by searching MRT, re-warmed and returned home to their holiday cottage safe and well.
38 Gribin Facet descent footpath

Duration: 03:30

11 members attended
A party of 3 was walking down the slope adjacent to the Griben Facet into Cwm Idwal when one party member slipped and injured their knee. They provided some pain relief and tried to continue but eventually were unable to continue as the pain was too great. The team was called out and, after assessment, the casualty was packaged and transported to Idwal car park.
37 Aber Falls

Duration: 03:29

7 members attended
A solo walker departed Bangor at about 14.00 intending to follow an Alltrails route around the Carneddau via Gyrn and Moel Wnion. As the light fell they became disoriented and ended up in the area of Bera Bach towards Aber Falls. They chose to sit out the night and wait for first light to continue but without overnight equipment became very cold so called for assistance. A small hill party was deployed and were able to drive within a short distance of the walker, who they assisted back to the vehicle and then drove back to Bangor.
36 Moel Siabod, Daer Ddu Ridge

Duration: 05:34

15 members attended
Two walkers were scrambling up the Daer Ddu but became stuck approximately 100m from the summit so called for assistance. A small hill party was deployed in team vehicles to drive up past Rhos Farm to then walk up the main ridge. The hill team then descended the top section of Daer Ddu and located the walkers, they then assisted the pair back down the ridge to the main track and back to the team vehicles.
35 Cwm Penmachno, Rhiw Bach

Duration: 05:15

7 members attended
A call was received from North Wales Cave Rescue Organisation (NWCRO) regarding assistance with a casualty who had fallen and dislocated their shoulder a very short distance into a mine entrance at Rhiw Bach. The call was initially sent to South Snowdonia MRT but as there was an Ogwen team in the area from an earlier job they were also deployed directly to help SSMRT.
34 Cwm Llugwy

Duration: 02:34

6 members attended
A party of five were waling in the Carneddau but became lost in cloud while defending Carnedd Llewelyn so called for assistance. The informant was located using phone find/Sarloc and advised on the best route down towards Ffynon Llygwy, meanwhile a small hill party were deployed in team vehicles up the water board road to find the walkers. The TMs met the walkers near the lake and guided them back to the access road and drove them back to their vehicle at the A5.
33 Glyder Fach, Eastern Gulley

Duration: 08:55

5 people
18 members attended
A party of five followed a scrambling route over Tryfan and Bristly ridge in winter conditions. On sumitting Glyder Fach they decided to take what looked like a shortcut back to their car, down Eastern Gully. On getting to the steep section/choke point near the bottom and without winter equipment, one of the party decided he could no longer go up or down due to a knee problem and so they called for help. A hill party was deployed to locate them and Rescue 936 was tasked but, unable to access the cas location, lifted 4 TMs up towards the summit area. Three of the walkers had ascended and left the area, leaving the remaining two who were eventually found in the bottom of the gully, despite the informant saying they were near the top. One was immediately walked off the mountain. The casualty with the injured knee was helped back up the gully protected by a rope from above and then was also walked off.
32 Carnedd Dafydd, summit area

Duration: 04:04

14 members attended
Two climbers had ascended Carnedd Dafydd via the Crib Lem spur scramble but on topping out one of the pair felt dizzy and unwell, unable to continue they called for assistance. Team members gathered at base and Rescue936 was requested but was unable to directly access the cas location due to low cloud so picked up TMs from base and dropped them about 1km away. In the meantime another TM, climbing with a friend, topped out Crib Lem spur and located the casualty group. They provided basic cas care, food and placed the cas in a shelter until the hill party arrived. The casualty was assessed and determined they could walk with assistance so began to make their way off the hill directly to base.
31 Cwm Idwal, Devil's Kitchen

Duration: 00:48

1 person
15 members attended
Lone adult male was reported overdue from a hill walk up the Devils Kitchen in the Ogwen Valley. After initial enquiries by police and Mountain Rescue, including searches by MRT of the Ogwen A5 lay-bys. The male was reported safe and well by family members.
30 Tryfan, West Face (V-cleft gulley)

Duration: 05:37

4 people
16 members attended
A party of 4 walkers had climbed Tryfan and came into difficulty during the descent as they took a route directly down the west face, becoming stuck in steep, loose ground in V-cleft gulley. One of the party was unable to continue with a knee injury so their partner stayed with them and called for help while the remaining two continued down. In the meantime an additional party of 13 students also followed the same route into the gulley, two of the party were uncomfortable with continuing on the dangerous terrain so remained with the initial two walkers on a ledge and waited for help while the rest of the group continued without them. A hasty party was deployed from base with case care equipment to locate the group of 4 while further TMs gathered with additional TRR and stretcher equipment. Due to the nature of the terrain and number of casualties Rescue 936 was requested but had been committed elsewhere so Rescue 912 from Humberside was tasked. The aircraft was able to locate the casualty group and winched the 4 walkers from the gully location and dropped them at base for a debrief.
29 Tryfan, West Face (Castle Rock)

Duration: 05:50

14 members attended
A mother and teenage son were on the west side of Tryfan when the son took a tumbling fall of 20m-30m down a gulley. The mother was able to get to his location but, without phone signal, had to leave him to get help and spoke with a number of people at the roadside. Multiple reports were logged with unclear information and so two hill teams were deployed to try and locate the fallen walker. Rescue 936 was also tasked and quickly located the casualty in a gulley on the west face, the winchman was dropped to assess the casualty whilst the hill teams moved in to support. Due to the steep and unstable terrain a further two TMs were winched in with TRR equipment to assist the paramedic and, with the help from one of the hill parties, were able to move the casualty into a stretcher to be lifted into the aircraft. R936 then flew to base to pick up family members before flying on to hospital.
28 Tryfan, North Ridge

Duration: 01:11

1 member attended
An informant called with concern for a baby goat seemingly stuck in some rocks low down on the north ridge of Tryfan. The Team Leader was unable to make phone communication with the informant so drove to meet them at the roadside. They discussed that the goats are resilient and will usually self-rescue, and that the risk to the team in deployment was not warranted at this time. The informant was also encouraged not to attempt to rescue the animal themselves. No further team deployment was actioned.
27 Pen yr Ole Wen, South ridge

Duration: 03:13

14 members attended
A solo walker had set out to walk the Carneddau via the south ridge of Pen yr Ole Wen. Near the top of the ridge they became stuck in steep wet terrain so called for assistance. A hasty party were deployed from base and walked up to the walker's location, they were able to confidence-rope the walker down the steep ground and onto the main path before walking back to the A5.
26 Moel Faban, Bethesda

Duration: 00:24

1 member attended
An informant called to request help with a family member who had slipped and injured their ankle. Whilst the team leader was following up with further information to deploy the team the informant called back to say that they had been able to move the casualty down to their vehicle so no further assistance was required.
25 Llandudno, Great Orme

Duration: 02:05

19 members attended
A family group were walking on the foot path on the southern side of the Great Orme above Llandudno, when one of them suffered a cardiac arrest. Bystander CPR was conducted as the Ambulance, Mountain Rescue and Coastguard were called to assist at the scene. The initial call was from Ambulance to Mountain Rescue but further assistance was requested from HM Coastguard to attend. Early team members on scene assisted with resuscitation efforts but sadly, after a sustained effort, it was determined that the casualty had not survived the cardiac arrest. HM Coastguard team took over the packaging and movement of the casualty back to the roadside ambulance.
24 Carneddau, Ysgolion Duon

Duration: 129:40

4 members attended
A multi-agency drone team undertook search activities flying drones on the Ysgolion Duon area between Carnedd Llewelyn and Carnedd Dayfydd. The search team was lifted into location by Rescue 936 and over 4 hours of drone search were undertaken on the steep ground to the west of the ridge line. A number of points of interest were identified for further investigation by drone or team members.
23 Cwm Idwal, Devil's Kitchen

Duration: 04:25

17 members attended
A walker was following an Alltrails route around Llyn Idwal but became lost and eventually crag fast on steep ground. A small hasty party was deployed to locate the casualty as poor phone signal meant an accurate location from Phonefind/Sarloc was not possible. Further team members were deployed with additional tech rescue kit but the walker was found to the right of Idwal scrambles. They were confidence-roped down the steep ground and back to the main path before being transported back to their accommodation.
22 Yr Wyddfa, Miner's Track

Duration: 00:30

1 member attended
An informant called the police after hearing shouts for help. After a quick investigation it was evident that this was in the area of the miner's track on snowdon. The team leader confirmed the informant's location with phonefind and transferred the job to LLMRT with no further Ogwen involvement.
21 Tryfan, North Ridge

Duration: 03:10

14 members attended
Two walkers were ascending the north ridge of Tryfan but came into difficulty on steep ground when bad weather closed in so called for help. A small hill party was deployed from base and located the walkers. They were assisted back to the road via the main north ridge path.
20 South slopes Pen yr Ole Wen, Tal y Llyn farm

Duration: 03:15

10 members attended
Two walkers were walking above Tal Y Llyn farm on the south slopes of Pen Yr Ole Wen when one slipped and injured their ankle, concerned it was broken they called for assistance. A team deployed with hasty party assessing the casualty and stretcher party following up. The casualty was assessed and the limb splinted for a stretcher ride down to the roadside where the casualty was moved to their own vehicle to self-present at hospital.
19 Glyder Fawr, Grey Slab

Duration: 06:22

9 members attended
Three friends had ventured up a scramble to the right of Idwal slabs but nearing the top, one of the group was uncomfortable on the steep terrain and could not continue on or down. Few Ogwen members were available so the RAFMRT were called to assist and deployed in a couple of hill parties to assess the situation. The hill teams scrambled up to the climber's location made them safe before setting up a tech rope system to lower them down to safe ground.
18 Abergwyngregyn

Duration: 00:11

1 member attended
An informant called to say they could see lights flashing on the mountainside for about 3 hours and was concerned that someone may be in trouble in bad weather. Before any deployment was organised the informant called back to say the cloud had cleared and they could identify the lights and no further action was required.
17 A5 outside Bethesda

Duration: 00:21

1 member attended
NWP police offers called with concern for two sheep seemingly stuck on a ledge above the A5 whilst attending a HGV incident. The team leaders advised that this would be reported to the local farmer and if they required then the team would provide support to rescue the animals over the coming days. No further action was taken at the time.
16 Pen Yr Ole Wen, East Ridge

Duration: 01:40

17 members attended
An informant called with concern for a family member who had set out to run from Conwy to the summit of Yr Wyddfa but was two hours overdue in very bad weather conditions from their next checkpoint in Ogwen Valley. Initially the job went to LLMRT who spoke with the runner and located them on the descent of the east ridge of Pen Yr Ole Wen. The runner was then tracked on the descent via phone calls and phonefind/sarloc. No team deployment was required.
15 Dulyn bothy

Duration: 05:16

17 members attended
A group of four walkers had set out to walk in the Carneddau and stay at the Dulyn bothy. They were last heard from at midday having called a parent to inform that the weather conditions were worsening so they were going to cut short their day and return to the bothy. The family heard nothing further and so later in the evening called NWP with concern. The walkers' car was located on the approach road to Eigiau and so a small team was tasked to deploy to the bothy to investigate. The team located the walkers safe and well in the bothy and the family were informed that they would be leaving the next morning, contact would be made once they had phone signal.
14 Glyder Fach, Bristly Ridge

Duration: 00:50

2 members attended
Two climbers were ascending the Bristly Ridge scramble on Glyder Fach when one of the pair slipped and dislocated their shoulder. Unable to continue further they called for help. While speaking on the phone with the team leader they were met by two other climbers. Happy that they could continue with the assistance of those climbers the injured party made their own way off the hill and no OVMRO deployment was required.
13 Pen y Pass

Duration: 00:30

2 members attended
An informant called to report shouts for help in the area Pen y Pass. The team leader spoke with the informant and passed the job on to LLMRT to investigate further. No OVMRO deployment was required.
12 Tryfan, East Face (Notch gully)

Duration: 04:20

19 members attended
A group of 3 set out to walk Tryfan via the North Ridge but could not see the conditions higher on the mountain due to low cloud. When they came into snow and ice they did not have appropriate winter equipment so were unable to continue up or down and called for assistance. A small hill party was deployed with additional winter walking equipment to help the walkers. Once the group were located they were provided with warm clothing, micro-spike crampons and confidence roped down to the main path and better walking conditions to the road.
11 Carnedd Llewelyn

Duration: 03:10

9 members attended
A party of two were walking in winter conditions on the Carneddau when one of the pair slipped and suffered a deep cut to the back of their thigh. A passing ML group with a doctor stopped to assist and provided some pain relief and and assessed and dressed the wound but called for advice and so a small hill party were deployed to assist. The cas party had continued to move off the hill and were met by the team members on the way down. Due to the depth and nature of the cut the casualty was given antibiotics and the group continued walking down to the road.
10 Southern Carneddau, Carnedd Llewelyn

Duration: 09:33

13 members attended
Day 3 of the search included further support from the local neighbouring teams and helicopter with better visibility on the summits. However, winter conditions had by this time left significant snow cover, thereby limiting the probability of search success. As such, following over 3 full days of searching, a decision was made with NWP to postpone any further search operations. The thoughts of the team are with the walker's family and friends at this difficult time.
9 Southern Carneddau, Carnedd Llewelyn

Duration: 25:00

16 members attended
Day 2 of the search saw additional support from local teams including Aberglaslyn, LLMRT, South Snowdonia, SARDA and Rescue 936. No further significant finds were made so a search plan was drawn up for the following day when better weather conditions were expected.
8 Southern Carneddau, Carnedd Llewelyn

Duration: 19:56

22 members attended
A solo walker had set out from Ogwen Valley to walk the Carneddau, he made contact with family to state he had summited Carnedd Llewelyn at 13.00hrs but had not been heard from further so the family called NWP. Formal search management was established at Ogwen Base with initial hill parties deployed to line search the common paths. Low cloud, snow and strong winds made search conditions difficult and so further support was requested from neighbouring teams, the Coastguard helicopter R936 and SARDA dogs. No finds were made so a search plan was established for the following day.
7 Mynydd y Dref (Conwy Mountain)

Duration: 04:24

10 members attended
A group of work colleagues were out for a walk on Mynydd y Dref (Conwy Mountain) when one of the group slipped and injured their leg, unable to continue they called for assistance. Two hill parties were deployed and located the casualty. Following assessment and initial treatment the injured limb was splinted and the casualty was packaged for a stretcher carry/wheel to a waiting team vehicle. They were driven a short distance to the road for onward transport to hospital.
6 Tryfan, East Face

Duration: 01:00

2 people
2 members attended
An informant called to report concern for two walkers last seen on Tryfan. Following enquiries by the Team Leader and lacking any further reports or direct calls for help, this was assessed as likely a false alarm with good intent, no further action was taken and no OVMRO deployment was required.
5 Carnedd Ugain

Duration: 00:13

4 people
3 members attended
Incident not in the OVMRO operational area, NWP notified and re-allocated to LLMRT with no further OVMRO involvement.
4 Cwm Idwal, High Pasture

Duration: 09:28

2 people
12 members attended
Two hillwalkers had climbed the Idwal Staircase scramble and continued on to High Pasture to the right of Central Gully but were unable to continue up or down. The hillwalkers were not equipped with harness, helmets or technical climbing gear. The rescue helicopter (R936) deployed but was unable to winch or recover the cragfast walkers due concerns regarding the downdraft dislodging the pair and the winch cable not being long enough for the terrain. A hill party had been deployed and were only able to access the walkers' location by lead-climbing up to them in marginal winter conditions. Technical rope lower systems were rigged with the aid of RAFMRT and the pair finally recovered to safer ground before walking off.
3 Bochlwyd outflow path

Duration: 02:19

18 members attended
A group of walkers were descending the Llyn Bochlwyd path when one of the group slipped and sustained an open head injury. The walker was initially treated by their walk leader while a hill party were deployed and Rescue 936 also tasked. The walker was assessed and lifted by helicopter to hospital. The remaining group were assisted off the hill by the team members.
2 Foel Grach, Craig y Dulyn

Duration: 02:30

1 person
15 members attended
A solo walker became crag-fast near Craig y Dulyn having slipped approximately 20m whilst descending the eastern side of Foel Grach. A hill party was deployed to try and locate the walker but due to the concern of injury and their location, Rescue 936 was requested and tasked. The walker was located and lifted by the coastguard helicopter and dropped at a landing zone in the where they were met by the hill party. They were driven back to their own vehicle and advised to self-report at hospital.
1 Cwm Idwal, Devil's Kitchen

Duration: 01:56

13 members attended
A solo walker called for assistance when they became benighted and lost the path while descending the devil's kitchen. A small team were deployed to try and locate the walker. As they walked in they received reports from others of a single light which had not moved for some time. The team were able to locate the walker and then assisted them back down to the A5.