Guest Book

With the advent of social media some may regard website guest books as old-fashioned. However, we understand that not everyone has a social media account. So if this is you and you would like to add a guest book entry please send us a message with “guest book” in the subject line.

Date & Time Name Message
05/03/2016 16:50:00 Simon Hayes Thank you to all the team who came to help me on Jan 30th. In the end the helicopter was able to land and pick me up but I know a great many of you left jobs and family that Saturday afternoon just in case you were needed. I think the work you do is incredible and I can't thank you enough.
24/02/2015 11:21:00 Julie Hill I just wanted to say that if you guys helped carry that old dog from a mountain you're awesome!! Thanks from Chicago, IL USA
19/04/2014 12:43:00 William Robbins

I cannot believe that it will be 15 years this coming December 11th 2014 since our rescue from Heather Terrace West Tryfan Face. Contrary to the website listing we were 5. It was pitch black with gale force winds and horizontal rain. But your men traversed a waterfall all the same to reach us as it was too windy for the chopper.Thank goodness someone saw us in the valley when I SOS'd my torch. My girlfriend at the time was deaf, and so when we were finally guided down to the valley below only to be met by the bright lights of BBC cameras who were making a Doc on your team, we were sure we would be in the Doc. However, we did not make it into the Doc, which is probably a good thing, but the memories of the evening are alive and well in my mind at least.

I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to the gentlemen on that evening who came and saved our bacon and to all those souls who continue to save the bacon of similarly silly persons such as ourselves on that dark wet and windy evening of December 1999. I have been back and scrambled Tryfan and Snowdon a few times since then, but tended to stick to the main routes as much as possible on those days. Keep up the good work, a donation is on it's way...

06/11/2013 18:59:00 Maria Hero Squad episode 6-Mountain Rescue, which was filmed in Snowdonia with the Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue team, will air next week on CBBC at 5:30 on Wednesday 13th November 2013
29/10/2013 20:43:00 Paul Barnes Alex and Pauline. Thank you so much for your help and comfort to me on 25.10.13. while waiting for helicopter. I have nothing but admiration for all the work you do. After I have had more tests I hope to return with Matthew to actually camp overnight at the cantilever. Hopefully will see you both sometime but not in the same situation! Again many,many thanks. Paul and Matthew
24/10/2013 09:51:00 Tom Dodgson Pinnacle Ridge, Pen yr Ole Wen. 12 October 2013. Thanks for your intervention to the climbing accident of a very good friend of mine. He is now out of Stoke Hospital and in the local General, hopefully home soon, and in fine spirits.
13/06/2013 21:43:00 Sam Thank you so much Ogwen Valley Mountain rescue for giving me a great opportunity when working with you on the CBBC show Hero Squad. I really enjoyed every moment of it and all the team were really fun to be around and their job obviously meant so much to them. My favourite bit was when I was abseiling down a cliff with a stretcher on a zip wire contraption. I have had a real insight to how mountain rescue works. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/06/2013 17:49:00 Zoe Hi my names Zoe and I'm a very close friend of Adele Mincher. You recently rescued Peter Mincher her dad so to show my appreciation I am starting to carry out some fund raising for the great work you did so you can keep this great service you provide for the future. Many thanks
03/06/2013 18:29:00 Maria Many Thanks to Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue for welcoming me and the five other cadets into there team for the TV show Hero Squad. We had the chance to do amazing things and the great opportunity to be trained to be real Mountain Rescuers! Jim, you were an amazing mentor and Jed you were always making us laugh and the rest of the team - you taught me so much about your work. My favourite moment of my journey while working with Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue was when me and a team mate got to lower a casualty down a mountain side. It was AMAZINGGGG, Although VERYYY Hard! Thank You sooooooo much. I will never forget this experience. Maria
11/04/2013 15:53:00 Catherine Nield I would like to thank you for alerting the helicopter to my brother in law on 29th March. We are so at a loss and would like to thank you again for assisting him. All donations from the funeral will go to mountain rescue.
05/03/2013 19:29:00 Sarah Wilson I want to thank all the team who helped me after falling at the Devil's Kitchen on Monday 4th March. Luckily there were no broken bones, just a bad sprain. Particular thanks to Jed, first on the scene, all of the cheery first aid guys and the stretcher team who followed, and the RAF team from 22 Squadron. I really admired your humour, professionalism and kindness. The work you do is truly amazing. I hope my donation can help continue the work you do.
27/11/2012 22:21:00 Richard Laxen

Seeing all that is happening over there in North Wales with the rain I am hoping that you all are well & not too affected by the water at OGGIE base?

If you are out helping keep safe & hope that all the rescues are successful.


Richard, Scott, April, Jane & all in Norfolk

10/11/2012 21:30:00 Claire Hurford Many thanks to Jed and the team for the tour of the base. Fantastic job and commitment by Ogwen team. Kind regards Conwy Denbighshire community first responders.
14/08/2012 10:41:00 Melinda Kinsman I don't know how to thank OVMRO and 22 Squadron enough for coming out to help me last Wednesday 8/8/12 on Tryfan north ridge, after I'd slipped and fallen quite a distance onto my back while scrambling. Knowing that you were on your way was a massive relief. Everyone was extremely calm, professional and friendly, which helped ease the pain and stress of the situation. I am especially grateful to the RAF winchman Al?, who got to me first and was so cheerful throughout. I'd also like to thank the strangers who initially rushed to me and phoned for help, the passing Mountaineering Instructor who then stayed with me until you arrived, and the wonderful ER staff at Bangor. Although I have been incredibly lucky with my injuries eventually walking away with nothing worse than a broken wrist, it was a bad fall, and I do not feel I could have made it down that day without everybody's help.
30/07/2012 04:35:00 Gail Eager CONGRATULATIONS, John Hulse, on being honored with taking the Olympic Torch at the Palace with Princes William and Harry and the Duchess of Cambridge looking on. An honor well deserved! Best wishes from your second cousin in California, who is seeing you all over the web! Gail
15/05/2012 19:05:00 Josephine Todd I would just like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue for your encouragment and motivation to the walkers during our sponsored climb up the Watkin Path on Snowdon on Saturday 12th May 2012 for our local Sands Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society group and in memory of our angel babies.Without your help and support many of us would not have made it.Anyone organising a sponsored walk/climb should enlist the assistance of this fantastic team of individuals who willingly volunteer just to make sure us mad charity people do it all in the safest possible way!!On a personal note I would like to thank Chris and Tess for your assistance in my battle with Snowdon!! I really appreciated everything you did for me and the honesty! I will be back to complete it... I will not be beaten!!
15/05/2012 10:32:00 Sarah Kemlo Would like to thank the volunteers from the group who kindly assisted us on our charity event up Snowdon on May 12th in aid of the charity SANDS. You helped people achieve what they never thought possible and also ensure that every walkers came down safely! Cannot thank you enough!! Sarah x
07/05/2012 20:55:00 Kath Cooper I would just like to say a very big thank you to all the OVMRO and RAF Valley who helped rescue me after my fall on the North Face of Tryfan on 20th March incident no 16. Everybody was so kind, friendly, reassuring and professional especially the paramedic winchman who was first to arrive with the helicopter and reassured me the whole time. Also a big thank you to the walkers who telephoned for the OVMRO and sat with me until the paramedic arrived. The OVMRO escorted the other members of my walking group down, who also send their thanks for all the help we received. A very big thank you to you all.
31/01/2012 09:53:00 Mair James Cannot thank you enough for your assistance. I have always been over cautious in the mountains, why I suddenly thought I knew better I'll never know. Your kindness and prompt help instantly calmed me down and I will ensure I never get over confident in future!!
15/01/2012 09:56:00 Trevor Wells Once again I would like to thank all the members who helped me off the Glyder Fawr cliff area. Pauline and the team were very polite, professional and rapid. Without their help I may still be stuck there! I am very grateful for your help. Please pass on my thanks to RAF SAR also.
12/12/2011 22:27:00 James Wakeman

A massive thank you to all the team that helped me and my friends off Tryfan yesterday 11th December 2011. I am so very grateful that you were there to help me down, without you it would have been impossible. Your encouragement whilst bringing me down off Tryfan made the pain bareable. Many thanks to Carl for being there all the way. The others were very grateful for the tea and warmth they received in the rescue centre whilst they were waiting for me to come down. We all really appreciate it.

Thank you.

James & Holly Wakeman and friends.

01/12/2011 20:59:00 Robert Hewitt Just want to thank everyone in the team for the help they gave myself and my friend Chris last Saturday 26th. We had stupidly got ourselves hopelessly lost with darkness falling and without you I don't know how we would have got out of there. I can only admire the team's professionalism and good humour in very bad conditions. We have both since become members of your support group 333 as a way of showing our appreciation. Many thanks to you all.
24/11/2011 12:59:00 Sandra Warwick I'd like to say a big thank you to the team who came out to rescue me on 20th November along the riverside path at Betws. They were amazing - reassuring, kind and very efficient.I'm at home in Hereford now recovering from broken ankle and wrist. Once again MANY THANKS.
25/10/2011 16:05:00 Lichfield Mountaineering Club We held the club's 40th anniversary this month. Sadly 10 years have passed since the passing of Mick Smith a member still fondly remembered.
03/10/2011 19:58:00 Kelly Leah I would like to say a huge thank-you to the whole of the team who took part in rescuing me on the 17th of Sept. I'm a lot better now and am grateful to all those who helped me as I think if we had of missed the group who alerted u it could be a diff story. Thank-you x x
20/09/2011 11:26:00 Dick Dwyer I'd like to thank the OVMRO team for their thoughts with the passing of my brother Ken Dwyer, and the phenomenal support given to Ann and the boys. When my wife and I came back to Wales in 2008, after being away for over 30 years, we saw first hand what an integral part of Ken's life being a member of OVMRO was. We will be back, and we will visit you again. Thank you, Dick Dwyer, Tasmania, Australia
18/09/2011 14:17:00 Maggie and Alan Greig We were walking the Chamonix-Zermatt route and met Tabitha - a lovely person, very committed to OVMRO. Most impressed by her challenge - it was one of the hardest walks we've done - including the Pyrennees from Atlantic-Med walking in the Himalayas, and treking in the Wywash in Peru. I could barely pick up her pack - and she was climbing up ladders, combining days that had 1500m+ ascents and descents!! Awesome!! Good luck in your other challenges, too, Tabitha - and I'll e-mail some photos of you reching some of the cols...
18/09/2011 13:06:00 Geoff Gartrell In the early 1970s as warden of Idwal Cottage I was "co-opted" onto OVMRO by Ron James after an aquaintance of mine fell off the Gribin ridge: he survived. It sparked an interest in climbing and I quickly took to it and accompanied Ron on a few incidents. I have fond memories of those days and of Roger, forgot his last name - could be Jones!! Give him my regards. Regarding Ken Dwyer, I knew him from those days. Condolances to his family. Keep up the good work
18/09/2011 08:05:00 Jim Hendry Thanks to the team for rescuing Kelly Leah and her Dad Mike yesterday 17/09/2011 after we found Kelly injured at the summit of Carnedd Llewelyn. Very professional and impressive team. Hope Kelly and her father are OK. Thank guys much appreciated.
21/07/2011 00:13:00 Keith Archman Hi team, just writing to say a massive thanks to all of you for rescuing me off Glyder Fawr incident 59. Pleased to say I've since done the route again, got it right this time.
22/05/2011 10:42:00 Teresa Peddie Hi, I'm the lady you rescued off Y Garn yesteday 21/5. Would just like to say a huge thank you to you all for everything that you did for me yesterday, you were all so friendly, helpful, professional, caring, what a wonderful group of people, and even in those circumstances and the atrocious weather, you were cheerful and managed to make me laugh!! A particular thanks to the 3 guys that got there first, bit fuzzy on names but remember Lee and Rusty [RAF Valley MRT], but you were brill, got my knee strapped up, helped with the pain, got me warmed up, and got me laughing:-bit of an achievement I'd say in those circumstances! You guys and girls are amazin, coming out in that weather, and so professional, can't believe how smoothly you stretchered me off....thank you so much, all of you. Teresa
03/05/2011 20:47:00 Mostyn Williams It was good to see the climbers in report 39/29th April decide to stay on the hill overnight, rather than call the team out. It may have helped however to have made a call to let the worried relation/partner know they were safe and of their intentions!
02/05/2011 11:32:00 Susan Williams

Many many thanks for coming to my help on Tryfan on 27th April last week. I am the "mum" you helped after falling on the south side of Tryfan and injuring my back. The help I had was just so impressive and professional, not just from the MRT people but also from the RAF crew and the walkers who were first on the scene. I would like to name names, so thanks to Matt and Victoria - walkers whose phone had the only working signal, Adrian who gave the best GPS location my husband now "wants one of those" Dave the paramedic winchman and the rest of the heli crew, Pete - from another MRT team and his gang of Sandhurst trainees who got roped in to help lift me - all good experience for them apparently - also thanks for letting me borrow your sunglasses Pete. Lastly the chap from OVMRO who must have run up the mountain with the enormous pack whose name I do not know. He also walked down with my husband and son and who, with his colleage, gave them a lift back to our car. I know there are probably more of you involved, but those are the ones I can actually recall - thanks to you all.

28/11/2010 19:24:00 M H Would like to thank the team at the OVMR team and 22 squadron for their efforts on assisting me and fellow walker E.H off the west face of Tryfan on 27-11-10.

A big thank you. Merry xmas to you all...

05/11/2010 04:41:00 Christopher Roberts Really enjoyed some of the pictures and the history. My Dad Alun Roberts and Granddad PWJ were in the team. -Chris
25/08/2010 11:40:00 Jack Carr I'm writing to say a massive thank you for the assistance I received from you guys on 3rd July incident number 58. Upon getting to the hospital I was diagnosed with a broken right ankle and 4 broken bones in my lower spine. Fortunately they were stable fractures and not too serious.

Now coming up to 8 weeks since the fall, I am fairly mobile, am walking without crutches and will make a full recovery. I have been visiting Snowdonia to walk and climb for many years, and hoped the day would never come when I needed to call on mountain rescue, however I am infinitely grateful that when I did, you heeded my call. The speed at which the members arrived from the valley floor was nothing short of astonishing, and the care I received before I was flown out by chopper was fantastic. Keep up the amazing work! Many thanks
05/05/2010 11:21:00 Martin Smith As President of the Lions Club of Llandudno, may I thank the members of OVMRO for their hospitality on Thursday 27th. Members of the Lions were at the rescue centre presenting a cheque. You made them most welcome. I am proud that we can help contribute towards some of your running cost. Long may you continue.
21/04/2010 20:45:00 Pete, Graham,Terry Just a small note to remember our old Pal Mick Parsons, nearly a year now, but never forgotten. R.I.P.
20/02/2010 22:10:00 Richard R Laxen

I opened your website tonight by mistake & find it spooky as today it is 30 months since you guys were called out to look for my son Sean who had fallen into the river conwy at the falls. I have read the article about the swift river training & am humbled by your continued committment to helping others. May I at a very late date record for public viewing mine & my families heartfelt gratitude to all at the OVMRO & the many others from 16 organisations for the valiant efforts on the 20th & 21st of August 2007 in looking for Sean. It must be said that words cannot truly state the effort that was put in on those fateful days. The respect that OVMRO members others involved paid to Sean on his earthly carcass being found on the 21st of August lasts with me to this day fills me with pride for my fellow man.

God bless you all look & forward to seeing you all in May again.

Richard R Laxen

02/02/2010 11:35:00 Robin Dickson To the team and staff at Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue Organisation, and the air and ground crew of 'C' Wing, 22 Sqn. On behalf of myself and my friends I would like to offer you my most sincere thanks. On Saturday 30th January, I, along with four friends were ascending a snow slope to the south of Cwm Idwal, just above the Devil's Kitchen, when two of our party were injured in a fall incident 07/2010. Though the conditions were good, and we were all well equipped for the weather and the ground conditions, including crampons and ice axes, one of our party, Chloe, lost her footing and slid down the slope. On the way down while trying to self arrest, she unfortunately lost hold of her ice axe. Two others in the party then attempted to slow her descent, ending up sliding down the slope themselves. Though the slide was eventually arrested, the three of us involved ended up in a small boggy patch toward the bottom of that section of slope. After our remaining friends rejoined us, and we evaluated our situation, it was decided that injuries to Chloe's leg, and my ankle would prevent us from getting ourselves off the mountain without further assistance. Thankfully we were equipped with spare warm clothes, bivvy bags and an emergency shelter, and so remained reasonably warm and comfortable while we waited for support. However, I was immensely grateful for the speed and efficiency of the rescue operation once we called for help.

During the whole process, OVMRO kept us fully informed of progress via the mobile phone, which was incredibly reassuring, as well as advising us how to prepare for the airlift. Chloe and I were lifted off the mountain about an hour and a half after the accident by the helicopter of C Wing, 22 Sqn. This was an incredibly smooth experience, with the pilot acquiring our position apparently on the first pass. To the paramedic, Bart I owe an immense debt of gratitude. Unfortunately I do not know the names of the rest of the crew who came to our aid. From the OVMRO web-site, I understand that a significant team had also been assembled in the valley to provide assistance should the helicopter not be available. To them my thanks also. Though there is nothing that I can say that does not sound clichéd at this point, there is no praise high enough for those prepared to put themselves in danger for others.

Our accident was in an accessible location, and in good weather conditions, but it could easily have been otherwise. Once in hospital, Chloe was diagnosed with a broken fibula, while I suffered merely a sprained ankle. Both of us are now home, comfortable, and recovering well. This has certainly been a sobering experience, and one we will take with us whenever we next go into the mountains.

11/01/2010 00:46:00 Rob Dyer I'm the guy you rescued from the bottom of the Devil's Cellar on the 2nd Jan. I just wanted to drop you a line to say how much I appreciate your help and to congratulate you on a super efficient, speedy and professional rescue! I honestly can't imagine another group of people I'd want to be reliant on to get me out of a situation like that. You are all absolute heroes in my book and I just cant do you justice in this message. I'm back home in Cardiff now, on the road to recovery. I'll be on crutches for 6 weeks after which I can start physio and hopefully start making some big improvements - in the meantime I think I'll be hitting the fingerboard big time to keep me sane! I'm hoping to be back to full fitness by the summer and would love to do some sort of sponsered run/similar possibly the Welsh 14 peaks to raise some cash for your team. I'd also like to drop by next time I'm up in your neck of the woods to say hello and thank you all in a slightly less trying situation if possible? Many, many thanks again and best of luck with any future rescues you are involved in. All I can say is that we are damn lucky to have people like you in the world.
19/10/2009 11:34:00 Dean Robinson Congratulations to a very professional and dedicated Ogwen rescue team. On Saturday, 19 Sept I took a long tumble down Cwm Llugwy on the way to Craig Yr Ysfa. Fantastic response by Ogwen Rescue and helicopter crew to get me to Bangor hospital, and then transferred to Royal Derby. Now at home with head in traction to allow fracture in C1 to mend. Should be up and active by Christmas. Could have been far more serious if I had not been attended by Alistair and the rest of team who ensured safe evacuation off the hill.
03/09/2009 13:10:00 Dawn Parsons My thanks to all who have written comments about both Mick and John. I am sure I speak for Lynne when I say that the kind words mean a lot.

Thank you

11/06/2009 14:00:00 Paul Chamberlain So sad to hear about the passing of John, having worked with him a few years ago delivering REC First Aid Courses - He will be missed by all who came into contact with him and benefited from his wealth of knowledge and experience.
07/06/2009 17:46:00 Gwyn Parry Saddened to hear of both passing away, I knew Mick better during my "time" at Bethesda Police Station in the 80s and 90s - happy days they were.
13/05/2009 06:14:00 Martin Hayes I remember John and Mick fondly from my time in OVMRO. My thoughts go to them, their families and you all in the team.
Best wishes from NZ.
09/05/2009 21:47:00 Peter Gilbert and Graham Jebb Micks Funeral. Just wanted to say what a super send off for Mick Parsons, the humour and the funny hats was real Mick style. It was very touching to see how many friends he has made in North Wales during the last thirty odd years and also the way we as outsiders were welcomed by everyone we met. Once again God bless Mick. Dawn and family rest assured the many friends you and Mick have will support you and be with you. You will never be alone.
08/05/2009 21:36:00 Greg Hehir My condolence to John's family, friends and teammates. John is well known to the USAF Pararescue as a great mountain man, who had taught many mountain Rescue courses to the PJs. He always had a way of making everyone a best friend to all who he would meet. Our thoughts Prayers and Toast to a Great man. PJ-TSGT.
07/05/2009 12:21:00 Ken McCoy Margaret and I were deeply shocked to hear of the death of John Evans. We send our condolences firstly, to his family, and also to the Team who will feel his loss as a valued collegue. Together with Paul Johnson, I was with John on his first visit to the Alps. Both were "gobsmacked" by the sheer size of everything compared to Wales. I am sending a couple of pictures of that time by email for the Team gallery. Once again our thoughts are with you at this sad time.

Regards, Ken & Margaret
06/05/2009 11:25:00 Glynne Williams I would like to pass on my condolences to the family and colleague's of John Evans. I first met John in September of 2000 after being called out to fix his gas boiler, as he was my very first customer in a new career and I was very nervous, but after five minutes in his company I was relaxed with a cup of tea in my hand. I visited his house on numerous occasions over the next six years and in that time I found I had a lot of respect for John as we chatted over a cup of tea. He never boasted about what he did although I was more interested his career, he always asked me about mine. It has been a pleasure to have known him and I know he will be sadly missed by all who have had the pleasure to have spent any time in his company.
30/04/2009 19:07:00 Keith Browne My deepest sympathy to John's family and friends. The news is very hard to take in.
30/04/2009 18:06:00 david edwards An Angel to many and an Angel still.
30/04/2009 14:21:00 Angharad & Chris What sad sad news. First the shocking news about John first and then this afternoon such tragic news about Mick. We will always remember him as one who made us laugh and more fond tales than we could ever recall! Our thoughts are with the Team and with the families xxxx
30/04/2009 11:43:00 Suzi Maxwell To all of the team we are sending you all our love and support at this sad time. (Sister of Chris Parratt)
30/04/2009 10:38:00 Flt.Sgt.(ret) John Manning Just cannot believe John is gone! The rescue world is such a poorer place.He was such a good friend and mentor to us in Ireland.Our thoughts are with his family and the Team. He truly embodied the motto .'.Go Mhairidis Beo' (That Others May Live)
30/04/2009 10:01:00 Peter Gilbert Graham Jebb Terry Jones Mick Parsons - A very dear friend of many years will be sadly missed. We have had so many fun times with you we could write a book. A gentle giant with a huge heart. God Bless and rest in peace. Sympathies to Dawn, Aaron, Daniel, Wendy and all family.
30/04/2009 09:14:00 Brian Stephens To the lads of Ogwen Mountain Rescue. I am sorry for our loss. The mountains lost a great friend advocate and protector in John. I appreciate what you do. MSgt (Ret) Brian Stephens Woody PJ 85-89.
30/04/2009 08:53:00 Rik De Decker We were shocked and deeply saddened to hear of John's tragic death. On two occasions he travelled to South Africa to teach us (MCSA MR CApe Town section) the finer nuances of technical mountain rescue. We were always impressed by his unique ability of making something complex become simple and to impart some of his monumental experience in a practical way. He truly was strong like ox smart like tractor a John saying which has become part of our culture! Please pass on our deepest sympathies to his family.Ha
29/04/2009 07:25:00 Betty Hughes So sorry to hear of the tragic news about John Evans. My late brother Dai Rowlands was with the Ogwen Mountain rescue team for many years and new and admired John. My heart goes out to his family.
25/04/2009 15:20:00 Melanie Humphrey Thank you for finding my cousin Roman Deans. My heart is broken for losing him but I'm consoled that he died doing something he loved. Thank you to all the team members for enabling us to bring him home.
08/04/2009 10:42:00 Graham King Rescued from Moel Siabod by these fine people. Embarrassed but so glad to have got down safely. After 20 years of hill walking I hoped I would never have had to ask for mountain rescue help. I never felt so scared before as I did being stuck on that small ledge and as time passed that feeling just grew. I never felt so happy before as I did when I saw the ogwen team coming up the hill. Thank you to each and every one of you Heros who put your lives on the line to help others for no material benefit to yours
06/04/2009 01:24:00 robert elliott hello iam part of the nsw volunteer rescue association and i am a collector of department patches and was wondering if your able to send me 2 patches of your department here is my postal address 8 scobie crescent bellambi nsw 2518 australia
12/02/2009 19:01:00 Ssamus Holden Thanks for all the help on Tuesday 10 Feb Glen of Imaal MRT
03/02/2009 22:21:00 Karen Pountney Haven't been in touch for what seems like a long time. Just thinking about you all at Oggie base. You are never far from my thoughts even though its over ten years since we lost my husband Paul and his friend Shane in the plane crash on Tryfan. It would be good to catch up with any team members who remember us x
13/12/2008 09:27:00 Ken McCoy Hello from an ex-team member. You all look disgustingly fit & active....Long may you all continue!. All the best for the festive season.
28/10/2008 09:43:00 Sam Edwards I am on the committee this year of the Aberystwyth University Mountaineering Club and in janruary we are holding a race from aberystwyth train station to cader idris to raise money party for our club but also for mountain rescue teams like these guys luckily i have never had to use them but i know that if i ever need to they will be there these guys are amazing if anyone is interested in possibly sponsoring a team in the race either go to http://www.facebook. com/event.php?eid=32731182218 or contact me on o
13/08/2008 19:29:00 Pete Cook Many thanks to Jed and the other members of the Oggie Team for showing the Students and Tutors from Swindon College around base on their recent visit to Ogwen Valley whilst on the Mountain Skills course. Very informative as always. Many Thanks again. Pete.
10/08/2008 16:29:00 Twm Si“n Cati Diolch yn fawr iawn am ddiwrnod arbennig yn gwneud 8 Oggie.Er i'r tywydd ddinistio'r diwrnod roedd y profiad yn bleserus tu hwnt a gobeithiwn y gwnewch gynnal y digwyddiad eto yn 2009 efallai 9 Oggie tro nesaf.Trefniadau ardderchog.Hwyl am y tro Twm Si“n Cati 1530-1609.
28/07/2008 07:59:00 Lloyd 'Jonah' Jones I was the WOP in the RAF 'Saints' Team in the early seventies and have many happy memories of joint exercises with the Oggie team. I retire next year and intend to return to the mountains Keep the stretcher handy ! All the best to you.
23/06/2008 15:16:00 Pete, Graham and Terry MICK PARSONS. All your old Pals from Shrewsbury are with you on this one every step of the way keep you chin up mate you are not alone.
18/02/2008 01:20:00 Pete Australia Just heard from Jim Winthorpe's wife that Jim had passed on some two years ago. Believe he was a member of the team under Ron James in 60's
03/02/2008 21:38:00 Jody Calendar 2008. I bought your calendar today. What fantastic photos. I got home tonight to watch Calendar Girls great film. How about it boys? I'd buy it.
06/01/2008 21:07:00 Aled Jones Hi Aled ring 602061 for a chat
03/01/2008 21:12:00 Aled Jones BAck in the 60's I went climbing with KC Gordon if you get this message it would be nice to talk to you again
03/01/2008 21:10:00 Andy Cotton I did the 14 peaks over the summer and thought I might need to call out the team. Thankfully I didn't need to but it was nice to know you were there just in case
03/01/2008 21:08:00 Dic McGloghlin Living on Anglesey I never had much time for going out in the mountains but after reading about your exploits I feel I want to go and explore
03/01/2008 21:07:00 Pat Hart I get the Newsletter and it's a good read
17/12/2007 14:37:00 Roger Krautkremer Greetings from the Alpine Rescue Team in Evergreen Colorado USA. We are a mountain rescue team serving two counties here in the Rocky Mountains. I ran across an Intenet article about your using GPS enabled radios. I will email you to find out more about this topic. I may be visiting Wales next May 2008.
30/10/2007 15:50:00 Daz and James Many thanks to all the team for a very warm welcome and all the help during our 2 day stay in your car park. Keep up all your hard work!!
24/10/2007 07:32:00 Pete Gilbert Many thanks from JeradPaul and myself to Mike Parsons and the other members of the crew for their hospitality and for the facinating tour of your basekeep up the good work.
12/10/2007 15:13:00 Jan Big big 'THANK YOU' to those incredibly special people and you know who you are for rescuing me on 22/09/07. I have just had surgery to pin my collar bone back into place and on the road to recovery. Your outstanding response was so gratefully received and much needed in some very challenging circumstances. Also thank you for taking responsibility not only for me but for my incredible brave friends and for getting us all down safely. Now I'm on the mend I will be organising some fund raising event to truely
10/07/2007 07:11:00 Andy Just like to say thank you to the OMVRO team for organising my rescue from Glyder Fawr (07/07) after I tripped and thought I had broken my ankle. Turned out to be a very bad sprain. Thank you for all your help and assistance.
26/06/2007 04:13:00 Stephen (Australia) To Roger Ian Dave and all the team thank you for your assistance on Saturday night. You are a professional and friendly team doing an outstanding job for the community. Again thank you.
23/05/2007 13:10:00 kevin Thank you for my rescue on 12th May just out of hospital now with a pin holding things togethers I will get a proper dontation together in the next few weeks to show my appriciation and my friends are organising a rescue party to raise some funds for you too. Thank you once again.
22/05/2007 16:38:00 Natalie (again) Ooops! pressed send before I'd finished expressing my gratitude!! Once again THANK YOU without your help I would not be sitting here now leg up in a flourescent pink plaster. As soon as I'm up and running again I'll be fund raising for OVMRO.
22/05/2007 15:26:00 Natalie I would just like to say a huge thank you to the OVMRO for air lifting me and my broken ankle off Glyder Fach yesterday (21.05.07). All of the team involved were reassuring kind charming and extremely efficient during our ordeal. Not only did I get my first ride in a helicopter but my friends were escorted safely down the mountain.
03/04/2007 12:15:00 Alan (Oxfordshire) Just spotted this may be of interest to people We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to provide public funding for English and Welsh Mountain Rescue teams.
12/02/2007 13:07:00 Tom (Manchester) Thanks to the two kind walkers who aided my party of 4 get to their cars having come off the wrong side of Glydr Fach yesterday
01/01/2007 09:23:00 Martin Lancashire Keep Up the fantastic work.
11/09/2006 13:00:00 Alan (Oxfordshire) Just visiting your website out of interest having visited Snowdonia recently. Well done to you for all you do keep up the good work! Diolch yn fawr i chi bawb.
05/09/2006 06:40:00 Debbie Turnbull I wish too thank you all for your amazing efforts in an attempt to rescue my son on 14.8.06. Because of his tragic circumstances I am setting up a Fundraising foundation to provide as much help and equipment for you as I possibly can. I intend setting up a regular visiting service to schools to help educate regarding the dangers of the rivers. I have already started with my own son's school who are more than happy to help and have already had requests from others. God Bless you all Debbie Turnbull
03/09/2006 19:50:00 Jack Gunter From 4th Worcester Park Scout Group Just to say thankyou very much for showing us round the centre on the 3rd September 2006. It was a very interesting visit and i hope we can come again in the near future.
15/07/2006 09:58:00 Nikki Just wanted to say what a fab job you do and thank you for your swift response in getting my companion and me out of a silly situation on Tryfan on Tuesday 11th. The advice and pointers you gave us were invaluable and a much needed reminder of the skills and experience we have yet to develope. We enjoyed completeing the climb the next day after a good nights rest and your advice and pointers fresh in our minds. Thanks again for your unselfish work in getting two inexperienced scramblers out of the situation
12/07/2006 10:58:00 Pete Cook Big Thanks to Jed and the entire Team at Oggie.
09/07/2006 21:11:00 Dawn Coleman Came with Pete Cook yesterday for a look around Jed was great it was an eye opener to what you do keep us the great work hope i won't be seeing you professionally though!.
08/07/2006 18:55:00 Geraint H Griffith Keep up the good work and am proud of you all. Missing the mountains back home take care.
26/06/2006 20:29:00 Jo Snow I climbed Y Garn Glyder Fawr/Fach with my parents many years ago. It was very therapeutic as my grandmother had died 2 weeks previously. I would like to say what beautiful mountains they are and it was a shame we had no time for Tryfan. Thanks to the selfless dedication and love of the mountains of your team the likes of my family can continue to enjoy the mountains in safety. All the best.
12/06/2006 14:19:00 Jodie Schmid This mountain holds great memories. This is the first mouintain I climbed with my DAD. I was 4 and it took 2 bars of Cadburys Dairy Milk to get to Adam and Eve. I have been to see Adam and Eve 8 times. My Dad Climbed it last with me at the age of 71. I now live in Australia. BUT would love too come back JUST to climb this gret mountain one more time.
14/05/2006 08:13:00 Sean Cooper I was the one who had a heart attack on top of Tryfan 21/4/06. Four of your Team escorted James my son off the mountain and kept him from worrying about me after I was airlifted to hospital. Thanks also to Team member Alan Ince? who brought him and my car to the hospital and offered further assistance. I had read your Callout Logs prior to the day and we equipped ourselves well enough (rope slings crab etc) to avoid having to make a rescue call but fate had other ideas. I owe my life to the OVMRO RAF and Ba
01/05/2006 18:42:00 Emma & the Limpet Lovers of Surrey!! 22 of us stayed in the area over the Easter weekend. Many of us enjoyed walking up Tyrfan the Glyders and Snowdon. At the end of our weekend we had a substantial amount of change in our kitty so we have decided to donate it to you guys as we saw you in action during our stay.
24/04/2006 14:50:00 PAUL WAUGH Coastguard I was on the mountain on Saturday when you carried the lady down with the broken leg on the strecher and also I was at the top when the man fell off the cliff at Watkins path. You and the other teams do a great job. I'm DSO of a cliff team on the East coast. I was there with my radio on the top with the first informant I had an orange reflective waist coat on. I was sorry I could not have been anymore help
17/04/2006 16:14:00 Laura I came with the 232/279 scouts on Easter Sunday. I would like to say on behalf of all of us thankyou. I learnt a lot of stuff I never knew before!!!!!
16/04/2006 06:29:00 Claire A big thank you to the team that strechered me from the Cwm on Thursday. I am in awe of the dedication and skill that you all posses. Thank you doesn't seem adequate but is all I can say.
28/03/2006 08:43:00 Mark Holding Well Done for the rescue of those people on the weekend 11.02.06. Keep up the good work as always and fingers crossed you don?t have as many people stranded up there again for a little while. Hope the girls and Boys from the Liverpool University are ok and they haven?t been put off walking/scrambling within such a beautiful area as Snowdonia.
01/03/2006 11:31:00 Mick Davis Love the website visit it daily. Always check the web cams ..... any chance you can clear the snow off
13/02/2006 18:19:00 Claire, Hayley, Laura You guys are truely amazing and we are so grateful for you coming to rescue us. I don't think anyone truely understands what you guys actually do until they have seen it for themselves. Thank you
18/01/2006 09:56:00 Bryan Dougan Great website. Shame about the webcam updates. I looked at it once and it was rainy. It hasn't changed since!!!
10/12/2005 11:36:00 Pete Ashton you guys are true saints seen you in action several times over the yearshappily never had to use your expertese yet but reassuring to know your true value.great site.
30/11/2005 12:59:00 Jonathan Whiffin Excellent website. Lacks the dry wit of LAMART but informative nonetheless. Here's hoping for a good winter after all these years of unseasonal warmth but equally hoping this doesn't mean too many casualties. And finally hoping I never need to use you unlikely as dont carry a mobile in the hills!
22/11/2005 15:51:00 Bill Johnson Great web site great pictures will get up to see it for real when i can.
09/11/2005 10:18:00 Brian Cook Thanks very much for rescuing Gill (Fractured Wrist) on saturday 29th oct 2005. and also for bringing the remainder of us down off conditions on Carnedd Llewelyn were horrenous.It was a well we had the correct clothing etc. Thanks to everyone involvedsorry to have spoiled your saturday afternoon.Donations are on their way.
26/10/2005 15:58:00 Pete Smith Thanks very much for rescuing Tony and me off Tryfan on Saturday. Donation on the way.
20/09/2005 10:08:00 Alex Roddie A great site--very inspiring and helps to raise awareness for the important work you do. The webcams and weather stats are invaluable when planning trips.
01/02/2005 12:01:00 andrea elliott many thanks to you all for your time kindness and support to all of Richards friends and family on saturday it was a pleasure to meet you all. Take very good care out there love and thoughts are with you all. Andreal
24/01/2005 20:41:00 WebMaster Taff or Colin. If you wish to exchange your e-mails I will pass them on. Taff:If you get in touch wth Colin ask him to e-mail the webmaster and I will put him in touch with Tony.
21/01/2005 22:49:00 Taff Tunnah Colin I have just seen your message on the board.
04/01/2005 11:55:00 Tamara Andrews Absolutely wonderful revamping of the site!! Makes me long for my spiritual home... will keep the memories alive in deepest Arnhem Land...Northern Territory Australia
24/11/2004 02:52:00 Mike Brown First met the OVMRT in 1975. Oh the tales I can tell and will sometime. If someone can contact John Evans and Dr. Anthony (Tony) Jones and have them contact me I would appreciate it.
28/10/2004 16:15:00 WebMaster Colin Guilder. Drop the webmaster an e-mail.
25/10/2004 04:56:00 Colin Guilder Ex RAF Mountain Rescue (St.Athan) 1969 era. Anyone know Tony Jones Taff Tunnah Gordie Armstrong etc. out there.I have been in the North of Canada for the last 27yrs. CASARA deputy Zone Commander for the last 16yrs.Here's to all my old MR and climbing buddies in Snowdonia.
27/08/2004 15:52:00 kim vose Great web cam ! Great memories! almost as good as Watergate Bay Cornwall! I do hope you get the improvements you deserve your service is really necessary good luck with BT
07/07/2004 20:28:00 EMMAJANE KELLETT Hi Uncle David Been on the website again today. Just wanted to leave you a message to say hi The webcams are great and you on the picture. Keep doing a great job. Hope to see you soon. Love Emma Jane
06/07/2004 19:24:00 Simon Tetley Web cams and weather data .... excellent
18/06/2004 11:52:00 Sarah Grey (Cumbria) Love the web cams
02/06/2004 23:01:00 Gerry Watts (PSNI SAR) A quick thanks on behalf of our team for a fantastic weekend spent at Oggi Base. Proper thanks and other stuff in the post.
27/05/2004 19:50:00 joe wright Great website and I love the webcam!
20/05/2004 09:40:00 Pete Smith Nice clean site. Webcams excellent
04/05/2004 18:53:00 Karl Lindsay The webcam is a brill idea well done.
27/04/2004 18:02:00 Graeme Your doing a great job!!!
10/04/2004 19:09:00 M. C. Boater I've seen the website before and noticed recent developments. I think the webcam is a great addition
10/04/2004 16:43:00 Cerrig Sports Association Great website.
05/04/2004 17:49:00 Gareth Higgins Excellent site. Very well done. Keep up the excellent job you do.
14/03/2004 06:10:00 Alun Roberts Hi. This is the first time I have seen the web page. Team member in the 70's and 80's now living in Kansas USA. Say hi to all
06/03/2004 16:27:00 Robert Williamson Was Stationed at RAF Woodbridge as a PJ. Trained with you guys sometimes. Did the Bicycle Race in 1980.
09/02/2004 15:57:00 Tim Radford Great work on the web-site Russ. It is a real improvement.
09/02/2004 15:05:00 WebMaster: Russ Hore Leave a message but please do not abuse this guestbook. Thanks